POPPIN' Headshots of Workplace culture consultant Sophie Bryan Career and Life Coach

Here at Rosie Parsons Photography we love people who aren’t afraid to be bold and show their true selves, and Sophie was NOT camera shy!

Sophie, like us, isn’t a fan of ol’ doom and gloom, old fashioned corporate style headshots where you cross your arms and SMILE against a white backdrop, then immediately plop yourself down at your grey desk wondering what even is the point….NO!

Similar to my diversion from stereotypical workplace photos, Sophie aims to bring humanity back to the workplace as a workplace culture consultant. That’s where this collaboration of ethics and brightly coloured, captivating photos is a perfect match and echoes a further message off of those uninspiring white walls we all feel encapsulated by when it comes to business.

It’s okay to NOT be grey!

Sophie is passionate about calling out the bullsh*t in workplaces, and is also a trained yoga teacher and nutritionist and uniquely brings that into her workplace courses - which she explains in the video below.

Let’s have a chat with the amazing Sophie herself!

Introduce yourself and what you do

Hi! I’m Sophie Bryan - I’m the Founder and Chief Workplace Culture Consultant at Ordinarily Different Ltd, a workplace culture change organisation, helping organisations create happier, healthier, more productive and purposeful workplace cultures and experiences for their people (and achieving great customer satisfaction)

What have been your biggest achievements/wins or what are you most proud of in your career?

My TEDx Talk - I did this not long after I quit my job as a Director of HR & Workplace Culture to start my business, and writing the talk really helped me find clarity in what I stood for and how I can contribute to making the world a better place to live and work. It’s also had over 33k views which is also an achievement in itself, since I don’t really use social media or actively promote it.

Link to talk https://montessorimindset.co.uk

“When people ask me what I do, well I’m 5 different things. So it’s like which one do I pull out of the hat today?”

Do you have any upcoming projects you would like to talk about?

I’m soooo excited to be launching my Culture Camp coming up over the next couple of months. An opportunity for people, leaders, HR and organisations (everyone basically!) to really understand themselves, their teams, their leadership, their customer and their organisation. It’s the full 360 on culture change, and it’s going to be great fun, as well as make a massive difference personally and professionally to those who attend.

Why did you need new photos?

I’m speaking at more and more conference and delivering key notes on an international platform, being nominated for awards, doing radio shows etc, so I wanted pictures for them to use that conveyed my professionalism but also my very outgoing, fun side… I’m the least corporate culture consultant you’ll probably ever find.

“this isn’t a photoshoot… this is a party! honestly i feel like i’m on the way to the oscars!”

- Sophie Bryan

Where are how will you use your new photos?

They’ll be on my new website, on my LinkedIn, I use them on my business proposals, and many of my clients ask for a bio and pic of me when inviting their staff to join the work I’m doing with them - whether that be workshops, talks, consultancy, interviews and panel discussions… hopefully they’ll be on bill board soon too! :)

What are your brand words and how do you want to come across in your photos?

It’s that mix of credible, knowledgeable, expert - this girl knows her sh*t (oops!) vibe, as well as fun, rebellious, active and engaging. In fact that’s the important word for me in my brand… engaging. I’m told this a lot so that’s exactly what I wanted my images to convey

What do you specifically like about Rosie’s work?

Oh gosh! She’s AMAZING!! I wanted colour, vibrancy, and Rosie’s work is like no other in this regard. Gone are the stuffy suits and carefully crossed arms with a backdrop of a conference room…zzzzzz. Rosie was exactly what I wanted and more… she’s incredibly talented.

How was your experience? What was your favourite part?

I loved every minute. I particularly loved my coaching conversation with Liz as she did my make up. I loved the bespokely made playlist (I realise my request for nu- metal rock and Latino music was a weird combo!)... how you all made me feel having my photo’s actually taken - I felt like a million dollars, like I was on my way to the Oscars. I loved the laughter and playfulness, it was so chilled and so much fun. And Liz made me feel the most beautiful and attractive I have EVER felt. Literally one of the highlights of 2021 for me!

“How do you feel, post photoshoot?”

“Oh my god amazing, but the party isn’t over yet though, is it..?”

“…Can I come back and do it tomorrow? can I come and do this every week? When I buy some new clothes can I just keep coming back? Every season maybe?...”

Sophie is GLOWING in these colours. To learn more about Sophie here is the link to her website and ordinarily different. https://sophiebryan.co.uk


If you’re interested in having your own shoot with me, Send me a message!

Rosie Parsons

The brand photographer for the boldest and brightest women in business


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