scroll stopping

business headshots

for your team

Don’t be a corporate chameleon! Choose business headshots that help you stand out

dull corporate headshots are as outdated as myspace!

You want your online marketing to be unmissable and unforgettable, just like the products or services you provide, right? 

Then upgrade it with some cohesive, premium headshots full of personality and colour.


they either:

never share pictures of their team (= their website and marketing materials inspire less trust than a white van in a dodgy car park)

❌ rely on the same plain photos and stiff poses their competitors are using (= they blend in like corporate chameleons)


The kind that’ll make your audience go,

“what a cool bunch! I can’t bloody wait to collaborate with them.”

Or top talent think,

“THAT’s the kind of team I want to work with!”

What makes her different? She sent us so many support videos to prepare our outfits, practise our shoots and poses and on beauty tips.

On top of this she filled us with body confidence. She played our favourite music and spent the whole day with us, providing us with our favourite nibbles and drinks.

laura tejada, sky bounders

the benefits of choosing
professional but fun or creative business headshots

Forget about being crammed into a tight timeslot by an agency! And no more being directed by a corporate photographer who relies on the same old shots and poses 🙅‍♀️

When you invest in a carefully curated photoshoot packed full of personality, you’ll obtain pictures that:

Stand out against those of your most corporate competitors

✔ Make an impeccable first impression on your About page

Stop your audience’s scrolling on social media

✔ Look cohesive while still letting everyone’s personality shine (yes, even Rob from HR who insists he’s not photogenic!)

✔ Allow you to promote your company through each employee’s personal brand, too

✔ Make an actual connection with your audience

✔ Actively reinforce your brand (unlike those companies that describe themselves as ‘fun’ and then bore their prospects with bland corporate headshots)

✔ Can be repurposed across all your marketing materials, from website pages to social media posts and even your employees’ LinkedIn banners

basically, a one-off investment with continuous long-term results.

sneak peek of what your team and
business headshots can look like

get started

Wanna snatch some premium business headshots for your team?

Here’s how it works…

You can get your business headshots in Exeter by bringing your team to my professional studio, or I can travel to your office. Whichever you prefer! Either way, I can promise you one thing: we’re all going to have a fantastic experience.

And, if some of your employees are a bit camera shy, don’t worry: most of my clients are! I have over fourteen years of experience making #cameraphobic individuals feel and look as confident as if they were on a Forbes cover.

what you will receive

All images supplied as both high-resolution for print and web-sized for your online marketing materials

  • Choice of 2 brand colours for your backgrounds

  • Extended background colour to use your new business headshots across all kinds of materials and in different formats or sizes

  • Custom blog post linking back to your company website and shared with my LinkedIn network of over 11k business leaders (why, HELLO new opportunities! 😎)

  • As well as traditional individual portraits, you’re more than welcome to mix them up with some fun corporate headshots and poses (psst: perfect for your social media posts!) or team photos of up to 5 people

business headshots in exeter based studio

make the most of my professional studio (and become #bossoftheyear for treating your employees to an unforgettable day out).

Our shoot will also be an exciting team-bonding experience for both in-house and remote employees.

Up to 10 team members in the studio per booking

  • Professional photography studio

  • Complimentary hairstyling and makeup for whoever wants to feel like a Hollywood star

  • Luxury refreshments to keep you all full of energy

  • Choose from an ample selection of photos right after the shoot

Minimum booking: 5 people

business headshots… wherever you’re based!

as the saying goes, “if a team can’t come to exeter, rosie will go to its office” (or something like that).

Just let me get my portable studio ready, and i’ll come to your workplace.

Up to 25 team members a day (multiple-day options available)

  • All I need is a spare room and a team member’s assistance

  • No hair and makeup artist, so everyone should come to the office ready to be photographed

  • You can provide lunch and refreshments

  • 7-day access to a watermarked online gallery to make your image choices

  • Travel costs: £1 per mile from Exeter (this also covers my time!). Overnight stays due to distance—if relevant—are charged at £300 per night

    Minimum booking: 10 people

corporate headshots pricing 

You only pay for what you actually get. Easy!

  • £275 per photo (please, note this is priced per image, not employee)

  • 3-for-2 offer: book two photos of the same person and get a third one on me! This offer is especially useful to make the most of your social media strategy. You’ll create cohesive banners and posts full of personality… without boring your audience by sharing the exact same photo OVER. AND OVER. AGAIN..

At the same time, this also covers everything else (except for travel costs, if involved), from my time to all the photo editing. No session fees or last-minute surprises.

stop holding your company back..

..with faceless marketing or boring photos!

Let’s start planning your scroll-stopping business headshots so that you can be ready to stand out ASAP.

Book a free chat to discuss them.