Versatile Business Shots of Sharon Porter Executive and Leadership Coach

Here in the studio we love to have a good time and get the party POPPIN’ with some music and some naughty treats on the table! We laugh and laugh and laugh until we cry… happy tears of course! We certainly did do that with the FABULOUS Sharon Porter!

Let’s find out more about her and how she felt on the day of her photoshoot!

the colours drew me to rosie, as well as her excellent reputation

- Sharon Porter

Introduce yourself and what you do 

I’m Sharon and I am an Executive & Leadership Coach in the education sector.  I also develop and facilitate Symposiums/Workshops for organisations outside of the education sector wanting to create positive change in the workplace.

What have been your biggest achievements/wins or what are you most proud of in your career? 

I was super proud when gaining my BSc (Hons) Psychology degree as a mature student many years ago, but more recently I have great pride in having set up my own business and gained a qualification as an Executive Leadership Coach.

I remain resilient and have kept a focus on my postgraduate studies whilst working.  The coaching qualification, my Masters’ degree in Leadership & Policy, and my second Masters’ degree in Education Research, all add to the depth of knowledge I can summon when working with clients in the context of coaching, research, and workshops...and that is something that I am really proud of.


Do you have any upcoming projects you would like to talk about? 

I will be working with the Bristol NHS Children’s A&E Nurses on developing a Community of Practice, where they will work on different ways of supporting team members and appreciating each other’s contributions.

In addition, later this year I will begin a piece of research with educators in schools across England.  This will involve desk-based research, interviews, focus groups and a lot of analysis.  One of the key questions being examined is:

“How does ‘training’ on Racial Literacy impact an educators professional practice and well-being?”


Why did you need new photos? 

I have hundreds of selfies, but they were not expertly taken.  I wanted to have photographs that were representative of my professional approach, my friendly and open personality, were colourful and versatile.

rosie knows how to make you feel at ease!

- Sharon Porter

Where will you use your new photos? 

The new photographs will be used across social media platforms and my new website.  

As a researcher and Executive Leadership Coach, I want potential clients to have a great first impression.  The photographs show that although I may be dressed in a professional or smart casual outfit, this is who I am – these images portray my professionalism and authenticity.


What are your brand words and how do you want to come across in your photos? 

Curious, Thought-provoking, Creating Change

What do you specifically like about Rosie’s work? 

The colours drew me to Rosie, as well as her excellent reputation.  If I had gone to another photographer, I feel they would have encouraged me to play it safe with neutral backgrounds and equally neutral but professional outfits (Black, White, Grey…)


How was your experience? What was your favourite part?

The overall experience was great!  Knowing that I was going to be collected from the train station relieved some of the unfounded worry.  The photography session was really enjoyable as I could play about with different outfits, try different poses, have my make up done, and sample a selection of very naughty vegan food!  

I did get the giggles on a couple of occasions and had to have my eyes re-done but that was all part of the fun…it was a great day away from the (home) office.  Rosie knows how to make you feel at ease!

Sharon looks stunning in her new photos!

Interested in having your own shoot? Send me a message!

Rosie Parsons

The brand photographer for the boldest and brightest women in business

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