Personal branding shoot with Psychotherapist Elizabeth Saunders

Please tell everyone a little about you, your ideal client and how you help them?

I am a registered psychotherapist, coach and counsellor. I see clients across the county with all kinds of emotional and well being needs. This can be working with paramedics and fire and rescue staff dealing with trauma, to top executives and managers wanting some coaching on their mindsets and goals.

I also work with children , adults and families dealing with anxiety, depression and a whole range of issues that may be effectively well-being. Couple and family counselling is amongst my favourite interventions. The results I can quickly secure with people is just so thrilling. We just do not need to be stuck and as people we are designed to recover and thrive from all kinds of set backs. With the right psychological support the results are amazing.

What were you struggling with before we worked together - why did you need new photos?

When I look on websites to find a counsellor, therapist or coach, I always used to feel a bit deflated by the dull and flat imagines of people in my industry that would pop up.

This staid mundane approach just does not fit with me or my particular style of approach.

What are your brand words and how did you want to come across in your pictures?

I wanted to project myself as someone vibrant, with passion and energy to really support my clients recovering from sometimes really challenging life experiences.

Positive energy, openness and transparency are the words that spring to my mind.

However, more importantly is the ability to connect and really communicate.

Together with being trustworthy with my clients inner worries and demons and someone who could stay confidential and can cope with hearing literally everything and anything.

Why did you decide to work with me rather than another photographer?

For my previous business profile at senior and executive board positions across local government and the health world, my image required a certain amount of “ the corporate” approach.

Many of my previous professional photographs have been taken by excellent top rate people in the industry. However, the world has significantly changed recently and so has my new Paros Practice Business.

For this exciting creation, I needed something significant more bold, striking and extremely confident about who I am and what I can offer.

Colour, posture, style, flair and individuality are all the words that I would use to describe the different interpretation of me as a therapist.

I get fast and solid changes and improvements for my clients and I want them to feel this commitment and energy in my profile pics.

What stood out to you as exceptional about our work together?

It was crazy just how much fun we had during the day. The amount of attention to detail in a truly relaxed and funky setting was just perfect for me.

It felt like a long fizzy bubble bath of poses and giggles.

I loved every minute and for me to be truly girly all day was just heaven. From the loud bold colour schemes to the amazing false eyelashes I looked and felt at my best. It was all just so beautiful, relaxing but very thrilling!

What results have you achieved since working with me? Eg additional revenue made, being featured in any media coverage, how you feel about your brand etc?

I have had an amazing reaction to my changed profile pics on LinkedIn, FaceBook and Instagram and have hit record reactions in the thousands to my recent posts. I am also launching my new website that contain some of my best photos from the day.

My confidence has gone through the roof and I have just secured a fantastic new contract. My increase in self confidence made me so ready for the challenge. For the first time I years the interview was just brilliant, mainly because I felt so good about myself.

What would you say to someone else who was thinking about hiring me?

I would say to anyone considering hiring Rosie, just look at her results.

Rosie has to be the very best in the industry and particularly for women.

Enjoy the fabulous experience of the day and sit back and watch the reaction of your networks when they see the transformed you emerge in brightness.

Hiring Rosie is truly the best business investment you can make and is so worth it. As I say, just look at the results.

Find out more about Elizabeth’s Psychotherapy Practise at

And follow her on instagram here:


Start the process by downloading my brochure filled with all the info about booking a shoot with me.

Rosie Parsons

The brand photographer for the boldest and brightest women in business

Headshots for Graphic Designer Nic Mooney