transformative business photos with tracey campbell - behaviour management consultant at together transforming behaviour

I love transformation. I love seeing the mental change in my clients as the photoshoot progresses - they gain so much confidence and just relax into it! Having music playing, tasty treats on the table, and being able to hang out and relax with me and the team really allows you feel at home - that’s why I have a home studio! If I can make small changes in someones mindset about how they feel about having their photo taken, showing it doesn’t have to be scary and stiff and serious, then I’m happy as Larry!

Tracey Campbell works and strives to create transformation and change. We interviewed her on the day of the shoot to find out more about what she does and how she felt about the day of her photoshoot…

if you have not had the rosie parsons photography experience, you need to get involved

-Tracey Campbell

introduce yourself and what you do

My name is Tracey Campbell and I work as a behaviour management consultant - which means I train teachers and parents, helping them to manage children’s behaviour.

where have you come from today?

We travelled from the North of London … Any Arsenal fans? Tumbleweeds? Okay…

how are you feeling about being in front of the camera?

I’m feeling really good about being in front of the camera because I know with Rosie parsons - I am in safe hands!

what have been your biggest achievements/wins or what are you most proud of in your career?

When I think about big wins and significant achievements in my career, I have to say becoming a behaviour management consultant in and of itself is a really big achievement for me because I had difficulties with my own behaviour at school - I know you’d NEVER believe it looking at me now! But to emerge, push beyond those difficulties and become a teacher and consultant is major for me.

Also to have authored two books on behaviour management is huge. So yeah, I’m really proud…

And so is my mummy!

do you have any upcoming projects you would like to talk about?

So in terms of upcoming projects, I am in the process of writing a third book - this time writing for children! To children particularly in year 6 transitioning into year 7 just to help them with that transition, telling them a little bit of my own story. So that’s probably the major piece of work I’ve got in the pipeline.

And a word for authors: isn’t it hard work. Oh my goodness.

why did you need new photos?

Hmm. Why do I need new photos? Have you been on my website?

It is TIME… I took the photos I’m currently using a long time ago, and actually a colleague of mine told me about Rosie and I just felt tremendously blessed when I looked online… I thought “YES!!!”

So, its time and i’m absolutely super chuffed to be working with Rosie today.


“rosie is a-class”

-Tracey Campbell

where and how will you use your new photos?

So in terms of where I will use my photos - EVERYWHERE! They will be all over my website, I mean, I’m really really chuffed about the opportunity just to freshen up my website pictures wise. On my social media platforms, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

And as I’m publishing my third book, naturally there’ll be an authors page, and anything we’re doing to promote the book we’ll use the pictures for that as well.

Even on the way today in the car, I was talking to my friend about the fact that they’ll be such good pictures I can put them up in my abode! So that’ll be great!

what are your brand words and how do you want to come across in your photos?

What are my brand words? Oooh that’s a question!

When I think about my brand, I think about transformation.

I think about a life emerging from a challenging beginning and being able to merge into something much better, and think that’s what I do in my work. I help teachers to appreciate that children can push beyond their perceived boundaries. Children can do more, be more and become more. So when I think about my brand I think about transformation, I think about being able to create lasting change in the lives of children, teachers and parents in relation to behaviour.

what do you specifically like about Rosie’s work?

I’m really encouraged by the fact that Rosie works alongside women in business, that is really quite significant for me having been in business for… approaching my 10th year now! And It’s tough, it’s really hard for you to have the motivation to consistently press on in your business.

So the fact that Rosie works with women, for me that’s a massive encourager, and I’ve seen Rosie’s work! I mean her pictures are TOP NOTCH! I’ve been on Rosie’s website… (seriously I’ve been stalking Rosie for the last few weeks I’m not gonna lie) but just the colour, the vibrancy of her work and the opportunity to be a part of that, I could not pass that up.

how was your experience? 

Can I be really honest? I had THE MOST sensational day… This needs to be called the Rosie Parsons experience because it’s so much more than photos.

When I stepped in to the building, my favourite tunes were playing because part of the preliminary conversation is what kind of music you like, so Rosie has your kind of playlist playing.

There’s cherry bake wells on the table, there was a cinnamon whirl of a DIFFERENT KIND that I’ve never tasted before because Rosie checks with you - “What kind of cake do you like?”

This is the Rosie Parsons Experience. Phenomenal day. Rosie is A Class in terms of her photography skills, I’ve had a great time and felt really reassured. Lots of picture taking, lots of chopping and changing of the outfits, but just lots of reassurance, lots of positivity. When you’re working with people who are good at what they do they put you at ease.

If you have not had the Rosie Parsons Photography experience, you need to get involved, it’s been an amazing day… now, the moment of truth, we are going to look at the pictures and I need you to say a little prayer for me because the bank is about to get BROKEN!!!! So if you see me busking, down Oxford street, throw a little thing in my cap for me. Thank you.


The team and I had a blast with Tracey, loved having you in the studio! Your photos look fab on your website.

Together Transforming Behaviour:


let’s get visible

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Rosie Parsons

The brand photographer for the boldest and brightest women in business

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